Brief update - I have been a Weight Watchers member for 22 months.. Loads of ups and down in the process of losing 2 stone.. Made my Dr's set goal of 11 stone 6 on June 14th.. and since then have snuck back up to (what was last night) 11 stone 10...
So last night was a grumpy Tree!
but I weighed my jeans and trainers this morning.. 2.74lb !
This is what I usually get weighed in during the winter so made a big difference from my summer clothes.. Hoping next week levels itself out.
I want to be under 11 stone for Christmas!
Craft wise, yesterday was a good day. Kate came over again to help clear the 'craft room' - good pile went in recycle bin ;-) loads of part completed projects found!
Time for a bit of crafting this morning - finish another Christmas bauble then off for a coffee this afternoon with my sister. Will work out how to put photos on here tomorrow ;-)
X Tree